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Valuation of Marine Resources

Valuation - Links from Dr. Prasanthi
1.1 Reports
1.1.2 Valuation of Ecosystem Services of the Maha Oya



The Maha Oya is one of Sri Lanka’s major rivers, and flows into the western coast of the country. It  has  been  a  source  of  sand,  clay  and  water  for  many  decades.  However,  over  recent  years, clay and sand mining have increased, to meet the rapidly growing construction demands of the country. These mining activities, carried out both legally and illegally, have led to the degradation of  the  Maha  Oya  and  its  associated  ecosystems,  impacting  ecosystem  services  and  affecting both  on-site  and  off-site  human  populations.  This  study  aimed  to  estimate  the  value  of  key ecosystem services generated by the Maha Oya, so as to present the economic rationale and justification for ecosystem conservation and restoration in order to safeguard its hydrological, ecological and socio-economic benefits. Valuation techniques used in the study included market prices,  effect  on  production,  replacement  costs,  damage  costs,  mitigative  and  avertive  costs. Data was gathered by means of field surveys, and from a review of relevant literature. The study was  carried  out  by  Environmental  Foundation,  and  funded  by  the  Mangroves  for  the  Future initiative.

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